No Pets at the Festival Please
While we LOVE our furry, slithery and feathered friends, the festival just is not a place for them. We would appreciate you please leave your pets at home.
This means the cute dogs, cats, ferrets, snakes, bunnies, birds and occasional peacocks. It is also a city ordinance that your pet cannot be in a place such as the festival. We have signs all around the festival to remind those that may not visit our site in regards to our policy.
Our board members or officers with the Fort Wayne Police Department will ask you to remove your pet – this means you must at that time leave the festival grounds. We also ask that you do NOT, under any circumstances assume it’s ok to go put your pet in your vehicle and return to the festival. Please just leave them at home and everyone can have a fantastic festival visit.
If you have an authorized and properly identified service animal, then those are permitted. “Comfort” animals are not considered service animals. You could be issued a citation from the local police department or animal control for failure to follow these simple guidelines.

If you need a furry loveable animal fix while at the festival, please visit our petting zoo located in the children’s area near the river.